Césova has a strict privacy policy because we believe you have the right to a safe and secure online experience.

Information we gather:

Césova does not collect any personally identifiable customer information for visitors to our website.  All usage data such as page views and visit statistics are aggregated as anonymous usage data.  Césova does collect basic personal data required to pack and ship your purchase to you.  We maintain the placed order data you give us, to help us serve you better in case you ever have a question or concern about your order.  Césova does save your e-mail address to communicate with you about your order.

Césova does not sell, rent, or give away your personal information to anyone. We do supply information for the purpose of billing and shipping your order. In other words, we do get approval from the credit card company and do give the shipper your address.

‘Cookies’ and what they do:

Cookies are small pieces of information that many web sites use to make online navigation easier. This data is contained on your hard drive in a file which your web browser provides for the purpose. A cookie can contain information such as a user ID. Our site can’t read other data on your hard drive or read cookies created by other sites.

Our site uses cookies to keep track of your shopping cart.  You do not need to have cookies turned on to view our site, but you will need to accept cookies to order products.

Third Party Use:

We do not use third parties.  Your information is not shared with any third parties.

Opt out:

You can opt out of receiving e-mail and other communications from us.  Our email communications to you contain an "unsubscribe" feature which will remove you from our list and you will not receive any further emails from us.

Césova privacy protection:

This site has security measures in place to protect from the loss, misuse, and alteration of information under our control. The servers we use have encrypted methods for those pages which contain personally identifiable data, including your credit card and address. At Césova, we are sincerely committed to a safe and secure web experience for our visitors to continue to make you feel at home on our site. If you have concerns or questions, please contact us for further assistance.

Césova Customer Service Team